Winnipeg Beach School, 1906
The School District of Winnipeg Beach was created on March 4, 1905. However, according to W.J. Wood, the first school classes were held in 1903 in the second story of William Robinson’s store, with James Hume as the first teacher. Mr. Wood served as chair and John Kernested as secretary-treasurer of the school board, both for many years. The first school was built in 1906 at the corner of Robinson and Gimli Road, the site of the current schoolyard. It was first occupied on June 1, 1906. The building was attractive, the interior well-lighted by numerous windows, with a bell tower centered on the front entranceway. The school board hired Miss E.M. Griffs as the first teacher in the new school, with an enrollment of 70 students. Most students were of Ukrainian or Icelandic origin. At that time, Mr. E.E. Best was the school inspector. An addition was built around 1916 due to the increased enrollment of 84, and there were now two teachers, the principal being P.R. Loutit.
Source Heritage Manitoba
Researcher: Wally Johannson